Advancements are an integral part of Troy NJROTC. They allow a cadet to reach a higher rank. Advancement exams take place every month and are normally announced around one to two weeks in advance. Cadets should be sure to check Facebook regularly for the announcement if they think they are eligible for advancement. Advancement exams are made up of two portions: a knowledge portion and a drill portion. The content a cadet needs to know is dependent on the rank the cadet is trying to advance to.
Everything You need for Advancing
Cadet Drill/Field/Reference Manuals (make sure to use your FJUHSD account to access)
Content covered on exam (sorted by rank)
Study Material: This google drive contains everything you need to know for your advancement exam, take the time to look through it as often as you can
how to study
Advancements is an important part of NJROTC (and your grade just might depend on it). Don’t be that cadet who shows up to the exam without even having looked at they content covered on the exam. Get an early start by studying your knowledge. If you keep up with the announcements on Facebook you should have one to two weeks to check the content covered on your exam and properly study for it. If a cadet can find as little as five minutes everyday to really study their knowledge, they should be well prepared on exam day.
Advancement exams have two portions: knowledge and drill. If a cadet studies well and passes the knowledge test, they then need to take a drill before they can be advanced to the next rank. Make sure to check what type of drill you need to know for the rank you wish to attain. If you don’t know that specific type of drill or are unsure of what you know, your NS4s should be more than happy to give you some pointers if you ask nicely enough.