Documents and Forms
The following bolded links are for the SCHOOL OFFICE. However, you make a copy and deliver to your Naval Science Instructor (NSI).
DOD Form 3203 (NEW as of 8/12/24)
Athletic Clearance - complete this online → make sure to upload the confirmation page
More Information
All these forms are to clear your student for physical activities and events organized by Troy High School and Unit Troy. Some of these forms (such as the physical) require a doctor or physician. Athletic clearance is completed online, and we only need the confirmation page that is near the end of the online clearance process.
It is recommended to keep a copy of all these documents, whether scanned or a physical paper copy, in case they get lost or misplaced.
Troy Approved Tailors - Oxford Cleaners. 1320 E. Chapman Ave.
Religious Attire Regulations - Information regarding religious attire and uniform regulations.
If you think you are missing ribbons/haven’t gotten any, please go to Admin during break or lunch in Squadbay.
Current Year Cadet Manuals - pdf versions, last updated Spring 2024. This includes the Cadet Field Manual, Cadet Drill Manual, and Cadet Reference Manual.
Event Muster Sheet - If you are the CIC for an event, ask an NSI for the muster/sign up sheet.
Community Service Form - To earn ribbon: 10 hours.
Intervention Form - For those that are having a hard time in life or just want some help and want to vent, fill out this form.
Questions/Concerns/Comments - If you have anything that needs to be said regarding this unit, email