Our 99pledges campaign just ended on November 21st. Thank you for helping us raise $81,682. That’s an average of $260 per cadet, still far short of our goal of $700 per cadet so please continue to support our cadets for the remainder of the year.

Please donate via Zelle to “Troy NJROTC Booster Club”.

Your donations are 100% tax deductible and 100% of the funds received will go towards cadets and programs to pay for equipment, transportation, lodging, competition entry fees, and food for the cadets.

Corporate Matching Gift

Troy NJROTC Booster Club, Inc. 501(c)3 is registered with Benevity.com. Many corporate companies partner with Benevity.com for matching gifts. Please check with your company and select Troy NJROTC Booster Club to help double your donations through your company (we are project #480190). Please contact troynjrotcbooster@gmail.com if you need us to register with another company for the corporate match.

restaurant day

On one day each month, we will feature a restaurant fundraiser. Cadets can make a donation and Booster Club will deliver food to squad bay. Please stay tuned for next month’s restaurant feature.


We will be holding our clothing FunDrive in the Spring. Please save your new and used clothes for the FunDrive next year… more details to follow.

Got Sneakers ?

Did you know that your gently worn, used sneakers could help Troy NJROTC cadets? Support Troy NJROTC by participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy, nothing to sell, just simply clean out your closets. This is an ongoing fundraiser; please drop off your donation sneakers at designated shoe collection bins around SquadBay, Room#402. See attached flyer for more details.

Shop Amazon using Amazon Smile  

Shop using smile.amazon.com. Click Here to choose “Troy NJROTC Booster Club” as your charity!